Aretha Vanilli Bing Stingspreen Bo No Ma Sam & Deee-Lite Sam & Dead Engelbert Costello Ice Garfunkle Bolton Chili Overdire Moody Crue XTZ Top John Lennoncamp Bee Jesus B.T.O'Conner Sinead O'Connick Jr. Twisted Steely Axl Galas 9 Inch Monkees Bo Dire Percy Faithful Joni Cocker Superloaf Jon Bon Elton |
Little Keith Richard Twisted Kross Madonna & Englishmen Fats Bono Spinal Top Dire No More Doobie Osmond Debbie Idol Frank Sinappa Allman Dominoes They Might Be Grateful Anthrax Squeeze Factory Halen Oates U-52s Depeche Mould AC/Dylan Marianne Faith No Morrisey Blondie Sabbath Ozzie Osmond Cheap Pixie Peppers Beastie Shop Beach Lynrd Lovett |
Cream Styx Jerry Harry Jello Bellafonte Milli Fudge Ozzy Loaf The Captain & Terence Joni Shithead Spiro Giants Stevie Ray Vangelis Jethro Byrne Mariah Cocker Sound Garth Yo Yo McCartney T.L.C.& C. Meat Factor Whitney REMTV Hammercamp Bonnie Ratt Alannarama 10,000 Nine Inch Megasmiths Bobby Bon Jackson Julian Lennox Paula McCarey Kool Mo Chuck |
This is a list of some of the hybrid artists featured on the "megaplundermorphonemiclonic" CD release, Plexure.
title Plexure label Avant (AVAN 016)(Avant is a subsidiary of DIW, Japan. U.S. distribution by Rounder & Sphere (Tower). Canadian distribution by Fusion or Record Peddlar. European distribution by Harmonia Mundi & Balaphone)
release date 30th of May'93 artists 1,001 electroquoted contemporary pop stars* producer John Oswald electroquote engineer Phil Strong executive producer John Zorn product format CD EP (no tapes or vinyl) concept format 20 minute album side ** definition plexure: n. 1 The act or process of weaving together -[Webster's 3rd] classification megaplundermorphonemiclonics number of tracks 12 (24 sub-tracks) bpm 47 > 384+ theme time & love sample lyric "Ghandi as a young Yeti eats Verdi...OW!" warning This album contains backmaskingPlexure is currently availabe from WFMU who also provide a short sample in "au" format.
*including hundreds of morphosoniferous performers.